Salem's big claim to fame or infamy comes from the witch trials that started in 1692. It was a harsh winter, the people were have hard financial times (recession), there was a major boundary war going on amongst the villagers, and food poisoning (unintentional) may have been involved. A group of young girls, hearing tales of voodoo, and various other supernatural tales from a slave woman, Tituba, started accusing various villagers of witchcraft. (Puritan version of Mean Girls)
Not knowing much of science, the Puritans believed that anything that could not be explained, like getting sick, was of course, caused by witchcraft. Ironically, witchcraft was not a charge that was covered under the cannons of their religion, but the charges were violations of civil law. Talk about needing a separation of church and state!
One of the first trials, against an elderly woman, Rebecca Nurse, ended up in a not guilty verdict. The girls complained, or rather went into convulsions. When the governor held up the not guilty verdict, they did this again. Eventually, the verdict was overturned, and Rebecca Nurse would be hanged.
Basically, it came down to this:
- A person is accused of witchcraft. They are imprisoned. They must find a way of paying their prison costs, including food, blankets, etc. At least three prisoners died of starvation because they were unable to pay for prison food.
- A plea of guilty or not guilty needed to be recorded. Those that pled not guilty would stand trial. Those that pled guilty would go back to prison. Everyone who pled guilty would survive. Go figure. The Puritans believed that guilty meant the Devil had left. Not guilty meant the Devil was still in charge of a person's soul.
- Making a plea either way meant that all a person's land, and goods were confiscated. One man, Giles Corey, refused to plea either way. He was not about to let his land be taken. Giles believed in witches, and ironically testified at his wife's trial! (Stephanie and I discussed whether Martha, his wife, accused him after he testified!) Giles was taken to a nearby field and pressed to death. He was forced to lie on his back with a slab of door on top of him. Then heavy rocks were placed on the wood. Each time he was asked if he pleaded guilty or not guilty. Seeing the writing on the wall, and not about to give up his land, he would only respond "More weight." It took him three days to die. His land would stay in the Corey family until the 1980's when it was eventually sold.
The pictures above are the Corwin home.
23 people would die during the witchcraft madness. 19 were hanged, one pressed, and three died of starvation. The madness would end when the girls doing the majority of the accusing, got a bit overzealous and accused the governor's wife. The governor then put a stop to the madness. Although some people remained imprisoned up to seven years to pay off their prison debts.
None of the girls in the original group were ever accused. One would say that they were doing it "for sport". Another, several years later, would have a statement read in church on how sorry she was that she had ever taken part in this.
The Salem Witch Museum has an interesting exhibit on various kinds of witch hunts. It looks something like this: (Dr. Griggs was the Salem doctor who could find nothing physically wrong with the convulsing girls, so he suggested witchcraft.)
Fear Catalyst Accused of Wrongdoing
Witchs Dr. Griggs 150 innocent people
Japanese Pearl Harbor All Japanese Americans
Communism Senator McCarthy Many loyal patriotic Americans
Germs/Virus AIDS/HIV All gay people
Al-Qaida 9-11 All Arab Americans, and
anyone who looked Arab.
Something to think about.
Only wealthy people could afford to be buried in cemeteries. Those who died during the trials were buried on their own land by family members or in pauper's graves. A memorial to those who died is in the Old Burying Ground in downtown Salem. The spirit there is very strong.
This is the memorial.
These are the words of those who died, engraved in stone. Bridget Bishop was the first to die. George Burroughs was a minister. It was thought that a witch could not say the Lord's Prayer without a mistake. Rev. Burroughs did just that, and was almost saved except another minister, Cotton Mather, intervened and allowed the hanging. Cotton Mather is buried in Boston just up the street from Old North Church. Giles Corey preceeded his wife by four days. Martha was hanged.
Ironically, modern Salem is home to many practicing witches, who follow the old Druid religion called Wiccan. Satan is not part of their beliefs. They consider themselves Pagan and follow an old religious worship. The term "warlock" means traitor, and is never used. Both men and women are witches. J.K Rowling only used the term warlock when discussing Dark Magic in the Harry Potter books.
For those wanting a better understanding of Wiccan, the novel The Mists of Avalon gives an excellent idea of what the ancient religion was like. This is the story of King Arthur's sister, Morgan Le Fey, who was considered a witch. She was a Druid priestess.
Salem - Beyond the Witch Trials
Salem was also home to the author Nathaniel Hawthorne, whose ancester, Samuel Hathorne was a judge at the witch trials. While in college, Nathaniel added the "w" to his last name to distinguish himself apart for the ancestor he was so ashamed of. Hawthorne spend much time with his cousin at her home. It was this home that was the basis of the novel The House of Seven Gables. The house still stands, and has an interesting history in its own right
Salem is also a port town, and at one time was the sixth largest port in the USA. It was the merchants and sailors of Salem that developed the first import/export business in the USA. Ships would bring in goods from other countries, and the goods would immediatly be shipped elsewhere.
During WWII, Salem had military units stationed there. One man, a native of Hawaii, was feeling homesick, and named one of the beaches Waikiki Beach after his beach at home!
All in all, a very interesting visit to this famous town.
My graph of the various types of witch hunts did not turn out correctly. Read it carefully.